This Blog is now changing to a Elsword Game Blog (A.K.A. Raven update blog). I will try to post as many screen shots/ videos of Elsword as possible.
Back Story: Are you wondering why I decided to change this blog once again? (Probably not you have better things to do then follow this silly blog.) Well if you do want to know I recently got back into Elsword and I recently mained my Blade Master (Raven). So this blog will follow is travels (though they are almost over...).
I decided on having my Banned Story Characters meet up with my Maple Story characters to match them up by what they look like because I kind of made my Banned Story characters look like my Maple Story characters.
I can't believe I got to lvl 101 yesterday I'm so happy, but now I just have to keep up with the guild... Anyways just wanted to celebrate this! Can't wait to kill people in PVP with Dark Fog which I don't get until level 160, but I'm getting closer. Watch the link if you have no idea what I am talking about.
I'm finally updating my Deviant Art Gallery. It's mostly digital art right now, but I'm working on the more traditional stuff. Anyways I just got into drawing MLP stuff after I watched like almost all the episodes of MLP FIM (most badass show ever). I am so addicted for no reason at all and I don't even understand how I like the show, but I just do.
I heard that today the Crimson Keep Party Quest is coming back even though I don't know anything about it. Until my friend told me all about it which made me even more excited to PQ. I can't wait to train my Evan there! :D