News Bulletin

This Blog is now changing to a Elsword Game Blog (A.K.A. Raven update blog). I will try to post as many screen shots/ videos of Elsword as possible.

Back Story: Are you wondering why I decided to change this blog once again? (Probably not you have better things to do then follow this silly blog.) Well if you do want to know I recently got back into Elsword and I recently mained my Blade Master (Raven). So this blog will follow is travels (though they are almost over...).

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Boredom and a pinch of Fun

I was bored so I was trying out my camera on my Nintendo 3DS and I was fooling around with special affects. Here are some of the photos that I thought came out the best.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Belated Christmas

Sorry for not posting this picture on Christmas Day is just I have been busy with Christmas preparations and visiting family. Anyways I just wanted to see if everyone had a good Christmas because I know I did.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Wow 1032 views thanks for all of you who have been looking at my blog. I hope that you will keep viewing it in the future.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Oh geez where shall I start... Well I'll just be straight forward with this. I am addicted to two new computer games known as Elsword and Maple Story. I might not be drawing or blogging for awhile due to this addiction.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Zorua Drawing

I drew this picture of Zorua a while, but I felt like posting it on here. Maybe next I'll draw Zoroark or Zangoose or Pikachu. Sigh I just love Artrage anything is possible...

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Deviant ID

Hey I made a new Deviant ID I'm still thinking of what I should do for my icon though...

Friends and Memories

I was looking through my Oregon Trip pictures folder again and I found this. It was the last time when my group of friends were all together.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oregon Trip

I was looking through one of my folders with pictures from my classes Oregon Trip last year. I then thought about posting this one because it looked so cool, by the way this picture was taken at Long Beach.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I drew my OC Detame except in normal form at the top. The one on the bottom is his chibi form and my Deviant Art Icon which I should change soon.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Flying High

A drawing of Kazz giving Sasuke a ride through the air.
Sasuke (c) Masashi Kishimoto

Saturday, November 5, 2011

One Piece

This is a sketch of Luffy. I was inspired by a bottle of Ramune.
Luffy (c) Eiichiro Oda

Friday, November 4, 2011

Rain Sketch

I got this idea after I walked across my school campus in the rain.

School Sketches: Dragons

Here are some Dragons that I decided to draw during a boring school lesson.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

OC Description: Kazz

Since Kazz is one of my OC's and people usually write descriptions about them I decided that I would do that for all of them that I make on here. If you don't know what an OC is it is an Original Character.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I call him Kazz.

Hey this is my first OC and his name is Kazz. The first picture is of him in chibi form and the second one is him in normal form. Please comment.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Here are the Jack-o-lanterns that we made for this year. I made the one with the vulture on the gravestones while my dad made the cannibal pumpkin.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


The 3rd challenge was to draw a Squirtle Sailor, but instead I made Squirtle a Pirate. Except the real Squirtle is daydreaming in the corner.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Here is another landscape drawing that my friend challenged me to do. She wanted a Pokemon chasing after a butterfly in a field. Instead I wanted to have Totodile relaxing in a field with a butterfly on it's nose. Enjoy and please comment.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Deviant Art Postings

I had a really great idea of posting my newest Deviant Art creations on here to keep you in the loop, If you don't feel like going to my Deviant Art page.

Anyways this drawing was requested by my close friend. She gave me a challenge of drawing a landscape type of drawing. As you can tell I suck at landscape, but anyways please enjoy and comment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Deviant Art Icon

Hey I'm sorry if I haven't been posting often on here. It's hard posting in two different places, anyways here is my new icon on Deviant Art so if your looking for me look for this Icon and my name is dragon1425.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Deviant Art Account

Hi I got a Deviant Art Account a few weeks ago and hope you look at my Deviantions. I will also still be posting drawings on my blog, but they might be a little different from the ones on my Deviant art account.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lone Battle Dragon

Here is a picture I drew to just tell you that I haven't died. If any of you were thinking about that. Anyways hope you enjoy my blog and some post will be delayed because of school purposes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's my Birthday!

Hey everyone it's my birthday so I decided to draw this to celebrate.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is my cousin's birthday so I decided to post my drawing of some Pokemon since he just loves Pokemon. X3

I'm Back... kinda

Yes I actually found out a way I can blog again without my laptop. So anyways I found this funny shirt in a store in Hawaii during my vacation so enjoy. (By the way at the top its I keep hitting) XD

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Special

Happy 4th of July everyone! So in order to celebrate I made this drawing hope you like it.

#3 Sneasel

Here is my third Pokemon doing an attack. It's a Sneasel using Metal Claw.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Theme

I decided to go with a theme this time for my drawings and while this is happening I am going to take a break for awhile on my stories. Anyways the new theme that I decided to do is draw my favorite Pokemon doing attacks. As you can see from my earlier post that I have a Pachirisu using Discharge well that is #1. This Floatzel that just finished using Aqua Jet underwater will be #2 and don't worry more will come.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Drawing Idea's

This is just a drawing of a Pokemon called Pachirisu using Discharge. I will be doing some more drawings... only if I had some ideas. (- -') Anyways please comment.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Curious Dinosaur

A young T-Rex was walking around in a calm grassy field in the nice warm sun when he stumbled into one tree just in the middle of the field. The little T-Rex wondered why it was the only tree out in that field. He looked at it with curiosity and suspicion. He walked around the tree a few times examining it and the leaves on the ground. Just then when he was making his third round a leaf landed sweetly on the tip of his nose.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


A mysterious dark figure stands in the shadows waiting to strike. Suddenly a flash shines and before his eyes stands a policeman. "Who are your!?" The mysterious figure doesn't answer, but instead tips his hat and chuckles. The flash light then falls to the ground the policeman right beside it. The mysterious figure stands on the opposite side and walks away chuckling with victory.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chapter 16: Sabrina's Reappearence

So far the fight has gotten nowhere because the attacks just keep colliding together making smoke. Everytime one of their attacks hit their energy was being drained at a fast rate. "Pikachu finish it with our new attack." "New attack?" Green just stood there wondering what the new attack could be. Pikachu's tail then started to glow. "That looks like Iron Tail." "Now Pikachu use Iron Tail." Pikachu runs towards Gengar. Gengar to tired to move out of the way from the attack braces itself. Pikachu then hits Gengar with a powerful force. Gengar exhausted from all the battling disappears. "We lost it." "It's ok Red it won't bother us anymore, but just to make sure we should get out of here." Red then returns Pikachu and they both head out of the tower. "I think I get why everyone scared now it's probably because of the tower and that Gengar." "Your probably right, but to bad we couldn't find it anywhere I wish I could have caught it." "Why?" "It looked like a cool Pokemon and then all of the towns people wouldn't have to worry." Green and Red then walk back to the Pokemon Center in silence hoping that Blue is alright. When they entered they see her run out the front door to meet them. She was out of breath and really worried. "You guys where were you?" "We were on a mission so how are you feeling?" "I am fine, but anyways theres a problem." "What?" Just before Blue could say anything else Sabrina comes out from the Pokemon Center and stands next to Blue. "Who's this Blue?" "Oh ya you haven't meet, but anyways this is Sabrina she was a spy pretending to be a Team Rocket member."Cool!" Red's eyes sparkle with admiration. "So why are you here?" "Green it doesn't matter why she's she's just here." "I am here to join you in the battle against Team Rocket." "Battle with Team Rocket what do you mean?"

Friday, June 10, 2011

Chapter 15: Dark vs. Light

"Red you have to get Gengar out of Poliwraths shadow." "Right then I choose." Before Red could throw his Pokeball Poliwrath attacked him with Ice Punch the good thing was that he dodged it. He then leaps away from Poliwrath. "Good thing that missed or I would be frozen solid. Now go Venasaur." Red throws his Pokeball and out comes Venasaur. Poliwrath then attacks again with Ice Punch and it hits Venasaur. "No Vensaur." Venasaur tries despartly not to get itself frozen. It quickly uses Razorleaf which hits Poliwrath. "Oh no Venasaur has hardly any HP left. Quickly finish it off with Vine whip." Venasaur attacks Poliwrath gets hit, but still hits Venasaur with another Ice Punch. After that Venasaur faints and is frozen solid suddenly Poliwrath also faints. "How did that happen?" Green then notices that Red's Vensaur had actually hit Poliwrath with the Vinewhip, but with Gengar controlling it pushed Poliwrath for one more attack before it fainted. Gengar then comes out of Poliwrath's shadow and heads for Charizard. Red quickly returns his Pokemon and takes out Pikachu. "Quickly Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" Gengar is then hit with a suprise Thunderbolt. It turns around to see Pikachu. "Watch out Red its going to use Shadow ball." Gengar was about to attack, but then stops because of Green's sudden outburst. Irritated the Gengar then attacks Green with the Shadow ball. Green dodges it, but Charizard still alseep lays in the attacks path. Pikachu quickly uses Thunderbolt which makes the attack disappear and not harm Charizard. It then wakes up from the Hypnosis seeing a battle of Shadow balls and Thunderbolts unfold between Pikachu and Gengar. "Charizard your finally awake." Charizard not wanting to battle falls back asleep. "Its ok Charizard you deserve a good rest." Green then returns Charizard to its Pokeball and watches the fight.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chapter 14: Gengar's Trance

"Come on Green lets get out of here." "Your not leaving her alive Red." "What!" Red looks at Green and sees a weird shadow on the ground to Red it looked kind of like a Pokemon. "Green there's a Pokemon controling you snap out of it." Green acted like he didn't hear Red and sends out his Charizard. "Green wait we don't have to fight!" "Charizard Fire Blast!" Charizard then attacks Red with Fire Blast. Red quickly dodges it but see's that his Vensaur was still in the way of the fire. "Vensaur quickly blow it away with Razor leaf." Vensaur uses Razor leaf only to see it's leaves get burned in the fire. The fire still charges on towards Venasaur. "Vensaur return." Just before the fire hits, Vensaur then is safetly returned to it's Pokeball. "Poliwrath go." Poliwrath comes out ready to fight. "Quickly use Watergun on Charizard!" Poliwrath gets ready to attack, but then Charizard disappeared. Red then see's it in the sky way above them. "Darn it used Fly." Charizard then decends aiming for Poliwrath. "Poliwrath quickly Dodge it and use Hypnosis!" Poliwrath dodges it and counter attacks with Hypnosis. Charizard then falls asleep. "Poliwrath use Ice Punch on the shadow below Green!" Poliwrath confused at the command just simply does his master's will and attacks the shadow beneath Green. Suddenly a Gengar appears and Green then snaps out of being controlled. Green then see's the Gengar go towards Red. "Red watch out that Gengar can controll people by using their shadows. Red then see's Gengar coming his way until Poliwrath hits it again with Ice Punch. The Gengar then is left there dazed from the attack and merges into Poliwrath's shadow. "Oh no Poliwrath return." It doesn't work Poliwrath just stands there not returning to the Pokeball. Poliwrath then gets angry and gets ready to attack.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DD Chapter 13: Lord Guancoo's Meeting

It has been about 3 hours since Reji left the fight between him and Darxs. It was night now, but he wouldn't rest until he had caught up to Toki and had successfully saved his friends. Reji knew Chibi was getting tired since he was mostly doing all the work by flying. "Chibi why don't you take a break?" Chibi then lands below and changes back to his small form. Reji then picks up the tired Chibi and carries him the rest of the way. Reji then noticed a black shadow of a dragon above him. "That's Light Machine Toki's dragon!" Reji then quickly follows from below trying not to get seen. He then notices Sasuke and Crystal tied up on the back of the dragon. He then see's Toki triumphanlty smiling at the dragons head. Reji then notices that the landscape starts to change and instead of more forest there is another city in front of him. Reji stays low and watches where Light Machine goes next. He then see's that Toki's dragon then flies off to the middle of the city and lands on a tall building that looks more like a castle. "That must be Rions headquarters." Reji then gets up from his hiding place and heads down to the city. Chibi and Reji's stomach growl. "I think we should get something to eat before we keep going." "Chi Chi." Reji and Chibi then walk into a restraunt and eat there fill. Meanwhile at the castle. "Sorry to keep you waiting, but I picked up some new recrutes." Toki was standing in the middle of what looked like a throne room. Except there was a long table filled with food near the throne. Sitting in the throne a huge dark figure with yellow eyes stared back at Toki then shifted to the side of the room. Out of the shadows a person appears. The figure then starts to eat its meal on the table. "Why welcome back Master Toki. How was your trip?" "Successful didn't you hear me the first time?" Toki was getting rather annoied that nobody in this castle ever listend to him. "Very sorry, but I just came into the room. Anyways who are these children that you have with you?" "Why they are new recrutes for Rion." "Grhahaha!" The dark shadow like figure started to laugh and started to eat its meal again. "Sorry to disappoint you, but Lord Guancoo says that we don't need recrutes and therefore you wasted your time in getting them." "Tell him that he'll thank me later." "And why is that Master Toki?" After the figure heard what Toki said stopped eating and listened intently to what Toki meant by that. "Why you know who our enemy is right." "Why yes Master Toki we have been trying to get rid of them for years." "Exactly and these are friends of theirs." "Grumph." "Lord Guancoo thanks you and says you will get a raise to general of his dragon army." "Why thank you Lord Guancoo it is an honor to serve you." "Grawr." "Lord Guancoo asks if you have a plan." "Of course I do since these are Reji's friends then he must be in this city as we speak looking for them." A wicked smile then crosses over Toki's face.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dragon in the forest

I will be posting the rest of the story during the weekend or once I find a picture to go with the Chapter. So instead here is my second drawing with shading in it please comment and tell me what you think.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Story Problem

Sorry about this post I know that you wanted to read the rest of the Dragon Drive story... maybe. Anyways I am still trying to find a picture for the Chapter so it might be awhile. So instead I drew this Honchkrow out of boredom last night. Please comment and Kirby will give you a hug. <(^ ^<)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

DD Chapter 12: Chibi and Darxs Collide

"Who is that?" "Toki long time no see." "Sure was a long time Reji." "Reji you know him?" "Yes he works for Rion now that I think about it this might be Rion's doing." "Who are they?" "They are an orginazation that want to take over the world with dragons." "Now that you know about what Rion is doing why don't you two join us." Just then Darxs comes from behind Toki. "Can I welcome them to Rion boss?" "Go ahead Darxs." Darxs then grows into his true size. "You two are coming with us." Darxs then grabs Sasuke and Crystal. "Let them go Toki!" "I'm sorry Reji, but Darxs doesn't listen to my orders." "Lets go Chibi!" "Oh so your going to fight for your friends aren't you well today I just don't feel like battling. Toki and his dragon disappear. "Darn it he got away, but Darxs is still here." "Oh so you want to fight me I guess I have to put your friends in a safe place." Darxs then opens a portal and throws them in. "Where did you take them?!" "Why they're on Light Machine right now with Toki on their way to Rion." "Why do you want them?" "They are going to become our new members." "I won't let you." Chibi then punches Darxs, but his fist just goes right through him. "Haha I have a body yet I don't there for you can't touch me." "Give back my friends!" "Didn't you hear me they are on their way to Rion head quarters and they will help us." Reji then gets so angry that Chibi then starts to transform. Chibi then attacks Darxs with all his power. "You will regret stealing my friends Darxs. Rigid Dark Beam!" A huge black and purple beam then gets sucked into Darxs. "Now its my turn! Ghostly Death!" Darxs then grows bigger and grabs Chibi everything goes dark. "Where am I? Chibi where are you?" Reji then see's chibi transformed back to his regular size and is severly injured. "Hang on buddy I'll help you just before he could grab Chibi. They both saw daylight and were flying through the sky. "Chibi I'll help you." Reji then grabs Chibi and is thrown against a huge stone pillar. "Reji you can't win like that Dark energy will only make Darxs stronger." Reji then turns around and see's Sumishiba and Himaro flying towards him. "We'll defeat him while you go and find Crystal and Sasuke." "But Chibi is hurt and can't fly." Just then Chibi got up and transformed into his bigger form. "Chibi are you sure that your ok?" Chibi then nods his head and Reji gets on and fly off to find Crystal and Sasuke.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Yay! I am finally not that busy studying for exams...anyways here is a celebration drawing of Kirby with a cake. Also my friend Jane helped inspire me to draw the cake part. Thanks Jane! ^_^

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dragon Pokemon

Here is another piece of artwork that I have been working on it is of 2 dragon pokemon called Salamence and Flygon. (If you didn't already know that.) Anyways I hope you like it and please comment.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Picture Frame Peacock

Recently I have been finding time to blog anyways let me get to the point. I decided to draw this out of boredom one day so I hope you like it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Abstract Dolphins

Hi again I actually found time to post this anyways I wanted to draw something that kind of looked like a stain glass window. I hope you enjoy the results.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

DD Chapter 11: Being Watched

"We have to find a way to lose it." "How?!" "We just have to think about something." "We'll help you out!" Crystal then looks back and see's Kashinki and Enoji. "Sasuke I found Kashinki and Enoji. Well more like they found us." "Well what are we waiting for." Enoji and Kashinki then grab them. "Should we run?" "No we should take care of it just in case if it keeps following us. Blue Firebolt!" "Blazing Aero Blast!" Crystal and Sasuke then start to fight with the wild dragon. "Hmm their stats are incredible maybe I can use them? What do you think?" "They look easy enough to manipulate and such power we will be able to do our mission." "Then its a deal we will use these kids as our puppets." "Great idea Master Toki." They then disappear into the shadows. They then defeat the wild dragon. "We should go now and try find out how to change everything to normal." Sasuke and Crystal then fly on. "Master Toki what should we do." "We should wait for the right time to strike. That way it will be easier to control them if we exclude having a battle." "Your so smart Master Toki." "Thank you Darxs, but now is not the time for chit chatting it seems our friends have visitors. Toki and Darxs then follow Kashinki and Enoji from the ground. "Who's that following us Crystal?" "I don't know, but it seems to be another Dragon Drive player." "Should we stop to see who it is?" "Sure then we will ask them why they are following us." They then stop and float in mid air to see. The person that followed them flies closer and stops. "Who are you and why are you following us?" "Crystal don't tell me that you forgot about me." "Reji how did you know we were here?" "Agent S and Agent L told us what you were doing so we decided to help." "Great we needed the back up anyways." "So whos that?" "Oh thats Sasuke he's a new Dragon Drive player and my new friend." "Great to meet you." "You too." "Anyways this is no time for introductions someone is watching us. "Your absolutly right!" Suddenly the city starts to disappear and then a black dragon appears in front of them. "Sorry to tell you, but you just flew into my trap." Above the dragon is a blackhole like thing that made the city disappear.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

DD Chapter 10: Real or Virtual?

Suddenly everyone in the Dragon Drive center feel a tremor. "Everyone quickly get outside." Everyone in the building then run outside only to see that there were dragons in the city. "Agent L what happened?" "I have never seen this before everyone quickly go back in the center!" Everyone goes back in to the center panicked. Agent L and Agent S go to the computers and check whats happening. "Find anything?" "Yes Crystal we found that all of the dragons from the game have some how become real." "So we are in the real world, but yet how come their aren't any people?" "It also seems that the people we transported to the Dragon Drive game. So far they don't see the difference and are just doing their normal activities." "Well I am going to find Enoji and check out who is doing this!" "Your not doing it alone." Sasuke then stands next to Crystal I am going to help you with the search." "You two good luck and use your mobiles to keep in touch with the center and with yourselves." "Ok now lets go!" Sasuke and Crystal then run out the door of the center. "First lets go and find our dragons." Crystal and Sasuke run through the neighborhood. "Crystal then looks behind them. "Sasuke quickly follow me!" Sasuke then follows Crystal into a house. They then duck underneath a table. "Crystal whats going on." Before Crystal could answer the house was then sliced in half. The ceiling luckily slide off the top instead of coming down on them. Crystal then tells Sasuke what she had seen. "I saw a wild dragon about to attack use so I wanted to hide in here, but I think it found us." As soon as they crawled out from under the table the stared face to face with a wild dragon. "This is not good and we haven't even found Enoji or Kashinki yet." They then quickly run out of the house and run down the street with the dragon following them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

DD Chapter 9: Disaster Strikes

After awhile Sasuke and Crystal finally get out of the training D zone. "So what level did you get to Crystal?" "I only got to level 5 you?" "Same here how about we keep training and we'll meet up this summer deal." "Sure." Sasuke and Crystal then leave the training room and head home. Finally Summer arrives. Crystal stands at the doorway to Dragon Drive waiting for Sasuke. "Where is Sasuke we should have met again by now." "Sorry I'm late." Crystal then looks to the side. "Finally Sasuke you came. What took you so long?" "Sorry I was busy anyways ready to go play?" "You beat." Crystal and Sasuke run into the center. With luck they run in rgith in time before the next game started. "Hey Agent L can we play?" "Sure quickly we are about to start." Sasuke and Crystal quickly grab a chair. "Are all of you ready? Well then let's start D-Break!" The helmets then go on and the game starts. Sasuke and Crystal then find themselves in a desert. "We'll meet up here an battle to see which one of us is stronger." Sasuke and Crystal then part ways to go fight all of the other players. After a while they then meet up at  the desert. "Are you ready for our battle?" "Yes now lets get started! Blue Firebolt!" Enoji's attack hits Kashinki directly. "You have to do better than that. Blazing Aero Blast!" "Power Transfer." Kashinki's attack is then sucked up by Enoji. "Thanks for powering up my Enoji. Invisble Power!" The attack then hits Kashinki. Kashinki then quickly counter attacks with Flaming Ring. The attack then hits Enoji. "This battle isn't getting anywhere. Enoji Lunar Edge!" "Not so fast Kashinki Solar Edge!" The dragons then transform into their Lunar and Solar Edge forms. "Sword Dancing Ring!" "Fierce Meteor Blast!" The attacks then collide with each other. "Sasuke do you hear that?" "Hear what?" "It sounds like someones talking to me." Suddenly a a flashing light blinds the two players. "What is that?!" " I don't know?!" Crystal then slightly opens her eyes and see's a person in the light motioning her to follow. Suddenly Enoji and Kashinki start to disappear and so does Sasuke then everything goes black. "Sasuke... Crystal are you both alright." Crystal opens her eyes and see's Agent L. "Are we back already? We haven't finished our game yet." "Sorry, but this was an emergancy so we had to take you out." Sasuke then walks over. "So when are we going to be able to play again?" "Until we find out what happened in there and whats going on. So it might take us awhile. So for now on the game is closed."