News Bulletin

This Blog is now changing to a Elsword Game Blog (A.K.A. Raven update blog). I will try to post as many screen shots/ videos of Elsword as possible.

Back Story: Are you wondering why I decided to change this blog once again? (Probably not you have better things to do then follow this silly blog.) Well if you do want to know I recently got back into Elsword and I recently mained my Blade Master (Raven). So this blog will follow is travels (though they are almost over...).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

DD Chapter 11: Being Watched

"We have to find a way to lose it." "How?!" "We just have to think about something." "We'll help you out!" Crystal then looks back and see's Kashinki and Enoji. "Sasuke I found Kashinki and Enoji. Well more like they found us." "Well what are we waiting for." Enoji and Kashinki then grab them. "Should we run?" "No we should take care of it just in case if it keeps following us. Blue Firebolt!" "Blazing Aero Blast!" Crystal and Sasuke then start to fight with the wild dragon. "Hmm their stats are incredible maybe I can use them? What do you think?" "They look easy enough to manipulate and such power we will be able to do our mission." "Then its a deal we will use these kids as our puppets." "Great idea Master Toki." They then disappear into the shadows. They then defeat the wild dragon. "We should go now and try find out how to change everything to normal." Sasuke and Crystal then fly on. "Master Toki what should we do." "We should wait for the right time to strike. That way it will be easier to control them if we exclude having a battle." "Your so smart Master Toki." "Thank you Darxs, but now is not the time for chit chatting it seems our friends have visitors. Toki and Darxs then follow Kashinki and Enoji from the ground. "Who's that following us Crystal?" "I don't know, but it seems to be another Dragon Drive player." "Should we stop to see who it is?" "Sure then we will ask them why they are following us." They then stop and float in mid air to see. The person that followed them flies closer and stops. "Who are you and why are you following us?" "Crystal don't tell me that you forgot about me." "Reji how did you know we were here?" "Agent S and Agent L told us what you were doing so we decided to help." "Great we needed the back up anyways." "So whos that?" "Oh thats Sasuke he's a new Dragon Drive player and my new friend." "Great to meet you." "You too." "Anyways this is no time for introductions someone is watching us. "Your absolutly right!" Suddenly the city starts to disappear and then a black dragon appears in front of them. "Sorry to tell you, but you just flew into my trap." Above the dragon is a blackhole like thing that made the city disappear.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

DD Chapter 10: Real or Virtual?

Suddenly everyone in the Dragon Drive center feel a tremor. "Everyone quickly get outside." Everyone in the building then run outside only to see that there were dragons in the city. "Agent L what happened?" "I have never seen this before everyone quickly go back in the center!" Everyone goes back in to the center panicked. Agent L and Agent S go to the computers and check whats happening. "Find anything?" "Yes Crystal we found that all of the dragons from the game have some how become real." "So we are in the real world, but yet how come their aren't any people?" "It also seems that the people we transported to the Dragon Drive game. So far they don't see the difference and are just doing their normal activities." "Well I am going to find Enoji and check out who is doing this!" "Your not doing it alone." Sasuke then stands next to Crystal I am going to help you with the search." "You two good luck and use your mobiles to keep in touch with the center and with yourselves." "Ok now lets go!" Sasuke and Crystal then run out the door of the center. "First lets go and find our dragons." Crystal and Sasuke run through the neighborhood. "Crystal then looks behind them. "Sasuke quickly follow me!" Sasuke then follows Crystal into a house. They then duck underneath a table. "Crystal whats going on." Before Crystal could answer the house was then sliced in half. The ceiling luckily slide off the top instead of coming down on them. Crystal then tells Sasuke what she had seen. "I saw a wild dragon about to attack use so I wanted to hide in here, but I think it found us." As soon as they crawled out from under the table the stared face to face with a wild dragon. "This is not good and we haven't even found Enoji or Kashinki yet." They then quickly run out of the house and run down the street with the dragon following them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

DD Chapter 9: Disaster Strikes

After awhile Sasuke and Crystal finally get out of the training D zone. "So what level did you get to Crystal?" "I only got to level 5 you?" "Same here how about we keep training and we'll meet up this summer deal." "Sure." Sasuke and Crystal then leave the training room and head home. Finally Summer arrives. Crystal stands at the doorway to Dragon Drive waiting for Sasuke. "Where is Sasuke we should have met again by now." "Sorry I'm late." Crystal then looks to the side. "Finally Sasuke you came. What took you so long?" "Sorry I was busy anyways ready to go play?" "You beat." Crystal and Sasuke run into the center. With luck they run in rgith in time before the next game started. "Hey Agent L can we play?" "Sure quickly we are about to start." Sasuke and Crystal quickly grab a chair. "Are all of you ready? Well then let's start D-Break!" The helmets then go on and the game starts. Sasuke and Crystal then find themselves in a desert. "We'll meet up here an battle to see which one of us is stronger." Sasuke and Crystal then part ways to go fight all of the other players. After a while they then meet up at  the desert. "Are you ready for our battle?" "Yes now lets get started! Blue Firebolt!" Enoji's attack hits Kashinki directly. "You have to do better than that. Blazing Aero Blast!" "Power Transfer." Kashinki's attack is then sucked up by Enoji. "Thanks for powering up my Enoji. Invisble Power!" The attack then hits Kashinki. Kashinki then quickly counter attacks with Flaming Ring. The attack then hits Enoji. "This battle isn't getting anywhere. Enoji Lunar Edge!" "Not so fast Kashinki Solar Edge!" The dragons then transform into their Lunar and Solar Edge forms. "Sword Dancing Ring!" "Fierce Meteor Blast!" The attacks then collide with each other. "Sasuke do you hear that?" "Hear what?" "It sounds like someones talking to me." Suddenly a a flashing light blinds the two players. "What is that?!" " I don't know?!" Crystal then slightly opens her eyes and see's a person in the light motioning her to follow. Suddenly Enoji and Kashinki start to disappear and so does Sasuke then everything goes black. "Sasuke... Crystal are you both alright." Crystal opens her eyes and see's Agent L. "Are we back already? We haven't finished our game yet." "Sorry, but this was an emergancy so we had to take you out." Sasuke then walks over. "So when are we going to be able to play again?" "Until we find out what happened in there and whats going on. So it might take us awhile. So for now on the game is closed."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tired -__-

I'm tired today so I will just post this picture of Pikachu for now. By the way I drew this on sketch swap.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

DD Chapter 8: Game Over

"Gi Giii!" "What is it Chibi you see something?" "Giiiiiiiiiii!" "Hmm well just in case lets go." [I wonder why Chibi is acting weird mayber there is an enemy near by or something.] Reji then grabs Chibi and leaves. Mean while Enoji and Kashinki land in the city. "Isn't it odd that we haven't found anyone except for Sumishiba." "Hmm it seems that everyone is hiding and waiting to take us out in one shoot." "Hmm you might be right." Suddenly something zips out from behind a cloud. "Woah who's dragon is that?" "That's Himuro's dragon! Sasuke we have to counter attack before it's to late! Blue Firebolt!" "Blazing Aero Blast!" The attacks then combine and head start for Himuro's dragon. "Quickly Sasuke we have to leave now." "Right behind you." Sasuke and Crystal quickly make their escape, but they overlooked one detail. That the dragon they attacked was just and illusion. Himuro then shows himself and flies above them. "You haven't seen the real power of Kokao. Slicing Torment!" Kokao's swords then come out it does oneslash through the air and the swords disappear disappear. Below Sasuke and Crystal don't see the danger. Enoji looks up and see's the attack. "Enoji whats wrong." Crystal looks up and also see's the attack. It's to late the attack hits them. "Crystal are you all right?" Sasuke looks up and see's Enoji disappear. "We were so close." Kashinki then disappears. Crystal and Sasuke's helmets pop up. "Crystal and Sasuke game over." Crystal and Sasuke walk out of the arena. "Oh well we will just have to get stronger." "Your right do they have a training room or something?" "Oh ya I forgot to show you that we should go train." Crystal and Sasuke then walk over to a metal door which opens. "Well here is the training room ready to get started?" "Lets do this." They then walk in and sit in the chairs. The helmets go on and they are transported to the training game. "In the training zone you have to fight many dragons starting to level 1-9." "If you beat all of the dragons that are levels 1-9 you then unlock the dragons that are level 10-19." "Sounds like fun so how will we find them?" "It's quite easy to find them they will just start attacking you." Sasuke and Crystal then split up to fight their own opponents.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sorry I just can't think of anything for my next chapter so I just decided to draw this picture... Don't ask it was really random.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DD Chapter 7: Lunar and Solar Edge.

Junranshi then takes out its claw from Kashinki then attacks again. Enoji then gets up and attacks Junranshi which then moves away from Kashinki. "Crystal you shouldn't move your inury is deep you could lose the game!" 'It's fine Sasuke I still have enough strength to play this card." Crystal takes out her mobile and a card appears. "Solar and Lunar Edge!" Suddenly Enoji and Kashinki get up and start to glow. Finally Enoji and Kashinki stop glowing. Enoji and Kasinki's wounds healed, their appearance changed and so did their strength. "So what if you got a new look I will still make you disappear." Junranshi runs towards Enoji. "X Slash!" A huge X shaped slash moves at high speed towards Enoji. Enoji puts one of its hands up and stops it which completely makes the attack desinagrate. "White Flame Dancing Ring!" Enoji's flaming sword like wings come apart just like swords on fire and start flying at Junranshi. It then starts to cut Junranshi. Kashinki then comes from behind Junranshi. "Flaming Light Beam!" Junranshi then starts to disappear. "No! Junranshi and I never lose! We never!" Sumishiba and Junranshi then disappear and have lost the game. Back at the game center. "Sumishiba you have lost the game. "How could I lose there is something weird with that card that Crystal used I'll beat them for sure next time." Back in the game. "Hmm it seems Sumishiba lost well now the game is getting intresting." "Crystal now what do we do?" "We keep playing we won that battle and we keep going until we can beat all of the players that are still in the game." Enoji and Kashinki then turn to normal and they head off the the digital copy of Tokyo City.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Icicle bored and sitting on a hill looks up at the night sky. Holding a pencil firmly in her tail and a piece of paper underneath her claws. She stares and stares thinking of what to do next. Suddenly she see's a star a star far more brighter than the others. We starts to draw it when she is finished she is pleased with the artwork and sets off for more inspiration.