News Bulletin

This Blog is now changing to a Elsword Game Blog (A.K.A. Raven update blog). I will try to post as many screen shots/ videos of Elsword as possible.

Back Story: Are you wondering why I decided to change this blog once again? (Probably not you have better things to do then follow this silly blog.) Well if you do want to know I recently got back into Elsword and I recently mained my Blade Master (Raven). So this blog will follow is travels (though they are almost over...).

Friday, April 15, 2011

DD Chapter 9: Disaster Strikes

After awhile Sasuke and Crystal finally get out of the training D zone. "So what level did you get to Crystal?" "I only got to level 5 you?" "Same here how about we keep training and we'll meet up this summer deal." "Sure." Sasuke and Crystal then leave the training room and head home. Finally Summer arrives. Crystal stands at the doorway to Dragon Drive waiting for Sasuke. "Where is Sasuke we should have met again by now." "Sorry I'm late." Crystal then looks to the side. "Finally Sasuke you came. What took you so long?" "Sorry I was busy anyways ready to go play?" "You beat." Crystal and Sasuke run into the center. With luck they run in rgith in time before the next game started. "Hey Agent L can we play?" "Sure quickly we are about to start." Sasuke and Crystal quickly grab a chair. "Are all of you ready? Well then let's start D-Break!" The helmets then go on and the game starts. Sasuke and Crystal then find themselves in a desert. "We'll meet up here an battle to see which one of us is stronger." Sasuke and Crystal then part ways to go fight all of the other players. After a while they then meet up at  the desert. "Are you ready for our battle?" "Yes now lets get started! Blue Firebolt!" Enoji's attack hits Kashinki directly. "You have to do better than that. Blazing Aero Blast!" "Power Transfer." Kashinki's attack is then sucked up by Enoji. "Thanks for powering up my Enoji. Invisble Power!" The attack then hits Kashinki. Kashinki then quickly counter attacks with Flaming Ring. The attack then hits Enoji. "This battle isn't getting anywhere. Enoji Lunar Edge!" "Not so fast Kashinki Solar Edge!" The dragons then transform into their Lunar and Solar Edge forms. "Sword Dancing Ring!" "Fierce Meteor Blast!" The attacks then collide with each other. "Sasuke do you hear that?" "Hear what?" "It sounds like someones talking to me." Suddenly a a flashing light blinds the two players. "What is that?!" " I don't know?!" Crystal then slightly opens her eyes and see's a person in the light motioning her to follow. Suddenly Enoji and Kashinki start to disappear and so does Sasuke then everything goes black. "Sasuke... Crystal are you both alright." Crystal opens her eyes and see's Agent L. "Are we back already? We haven't finished our game yet." "Sorry, but this was an emergancy so we had to take you out." Sasuke then walks over. "So when are we going to be able to play again?" "Until we find out what happened in there and whats going on. So it might take us awhile. So for now on the game is closed."

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