News Bulletin

This Blog is now changing to a Elsword Game Blog (A.K.A. Raven update blog). I will try to post as many screen shots/ videos of Elsword as possible.

Back Story: Are you wondering why I decided to change this blog once again? (Probably not you have better things to do then follow this silly blog.) Well if you do want to know I recently got back into Elsword and I recently mained my Blade Master (Raven). So this blog will follow is travels (though they are almost over...).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chapter 11:The Trap

"Blastoise!!!" Blue throws a Pokeball Blastoise comes out and attacks Sabrina, but it's fist just passes right through her. "Wait!!!" "Hehe Sorry to tell you but I am over here." Blue looks behind her and see's that Sabrina and Kadabra unharmed. "An Illusion that Kadabra made." "Kadabra use Confusion!" Suddenly Blastoise gets confused and dizzy and struggles to keep standing. "Blastoise Return." "Kadabra use Psychic!" "I...can't... move!" "This fight is done with Kadabra Slash!" Kadabra attacks Blue suddenly two Pokeballs come out of the top of her dress where Kadabra attacked. "Go Clefairy use Growl and Jigglypuff use Sing!" They come out of their Pokeballs and attack Sabrina. "Ahhhh I can't hear a thing!" Sabrina then falls to the ground passed out. "Yes now I can find Red and Green!" Blue returns her Pokemon and runs out the door. "I hope I am not to late!" She runs up a huge flight of stairs and stops at a door. "No Green!!!" "Hehe watch the death of your friend!" Golbat's wing then cuts right through Green's neck. "No Green!" Blue enter through the door. "So this is where you are!" Suddenly Green's body turns pink. "No it can't be a fake." "Sorry to tell you but it was my Ditto that you cut!" "Blue help!" The Grimer grabs Red by the neck and chokes him. "Go Blastoise use Hydro Pump!" Blastiose comes out unconfused anymore and shoots a powerful jet of water. It hits the Grimer which faints. "No Grimer! Golbat use Air Cutter!" "Blastoise use Withdraw." Golbat releases blades of air which head for Blastoise. Blastoise then goes into it's shell and protects itself from the attack. "Now Blastoise Hydro Pump!!!" Another jet of water hits Golbat. Golbat then falls to the ground next to Grimer. Red the quickly gets free and returns his worn out Pokemon. "Go Blastoise Rapid Spin!!!" Blastoise goes into it's shell and spins start for the trainer which gets hit and falls passed out. "Blue we have to find Green!!!" "He's outside before we got captured I pushed Green out of the tornado and he was free it was only us. He then told me that he will follow us then the next step is to get out of here before they wake up!" "This isn't the end yet!!! I still need to deal with you two!!!" "It's Sabrina she's awake!" "Kadabra Psybeam!" Kadabra attacks the ceiling. "It's going to collapse!" "Kadabra Teleport!" Sabrina grabs the other trainer and disappear out of the building. The ceiling then starts to crumble.

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